How Can we Help You?

Young people, more than ever are under pressure to perform to a high standard and are regularly compared or comparing themselves, in the wrong context. Social Media certainly doesn’t help this and there is certainly an increase in anxiety related mental health issues for almost all young adults at some point as they progress from 6th Form to University and beyond.
These institutions do a fantastic job of providing academic and sporting development. Educational Institutions also provide information regarding drugs, sex & relationships and safety. However, this often doesn’t address the needs of the individual, leaving many feeling discombobulated when it comes to dealing with these situations in the real world.

In some cases, young people are also able to develop a high level of confidence and self-worth, however the majority of young people struggle with this aspect, leading to poor mental health, a lack of motivation and low self-esteem.If you want to perform at an outstanding level and live an uncompromised life, you must have a powerful mind-set.

Many parents and Young Adults invest thousands of pounds/dollars/Euros on their child’s education; the acquisition of knowledge and skill, but not on their well-being and their personal development.
Often, as parents we create the illusion of a perfect world; a safe world...

One where they have been protected from struggle or suffering. Social Media, also portrays a world of imperfections. Sadly, when many of our young people first a major challenge, be that: exam failure, heartbreak, parental divorce, death and other forms of loss, they are ill equipped to deal with this. The formula for success if generally simple Good Mind-set + Effort & Engagement towards learning (+ Sound Educational Institutions) = Success

Many UK and International Parents (and Young Adults) invest so much money on their Educational Institution that they forget to invest on the Mind-set of their children.

Having a poor mind-set or being in a place of struggle and depression, will inevitably lead to a poor academic outcome and a feeling of failure. Instead of this young adult moving into the world feeling empowered, they feel dejected and ineffective.

‘I don’t feel good enough’ is the most common phrase I hear amongst 16-25 year olds and this is said equally by both males and females.

About Stephen

I completed my Post Graduate Certificate in Education at the University of Cambridge and am an Educational Practitioner and Leader with over 20 years of experience in this field. I know what it takes to achieve success in an educational environment, be that school, university or beyond.

My primary roles have been to facilitate and support the development of young people and empower them to overcome the challenges they face, be that academic or personal. My experience in a world renowned International school overseas and as Housemaster of a 6th Form Boarding House in a leading British Boarding School (with a highly International demographic) has placed me in the unique position to fully understand the demands that young people have when moving overseas to study away from parents and family.

As Head of Staff Development and Training, I worked closely with Universities in delivering courses to young adults and also have a clear grasp of how these institutions work.

I have put together a program of support, guidance and mentoring for any young adult who is stepping out of their comfort zone into an unknown environment; especially in an international context.

This program is designed to help anyone who is taking on a challenge or anyone facing a struggle and would benefit from having the support from a mentor or coach. Equally it enables individuals to become the best possible versions of themselves, through leadership and management of themselves and others.

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